Attention: CyberWins & Friends Presents, An UnFair Advantage Review & Bonus Page...!
This Special Bonus Page Comes Down Soon! Click Here To Grab "Unfair Advantage"...
Does That Really Work?



This Is My Review And Exclusive Bonus Package. I've Put Much Effort Into This Bonus Package. This Will Get You Better And Faster Results Than Anybody Else Will Have. The Bonuses Are Explained In The Video Above.


What Is "Unfair Advantage" All About?


UNFAIR ADVANTAGE is a unique method designed so that when someone clicks ONCE on any affiliate link of yours you make money from ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ELSE they buy for the next 24 hours. Ethically of course. The traffic? GUARANTEED, and 100% free, thanks to our hack. NOTHING like it exists anywhere.


By combining a legal Amazon loophole with a hack we came up with, it literally becomes impossible for users NOT to make commissions from it. This is NOT hype.


To remove any doubt that it’s fail-proof in delivering commissions, my partner Vick Carty taught his 12-year old daughter Yana the method. In under 1 week, Yana was making almost $50/day (Our VSL shows her process from beginning to end).


Frontend – Unfair Advantage $17:

The Frontend of "Unfair Advantage" is a software system that combines a loophole on Amazon with our software and promo hack.


It works like this:

Create just ONE Unfair Advantage Property (10 mins).

Use our 2-minute  Hack, and you are GUARANTEED Page 1 ranking, meaning you WILL get clicks.

When someone clicks on it, they are cookied with your cookie for ANYTHING they purchase from Amazon. We have one hack for low end, and one hack for high end products.

Rinse and repeat. Once you bump over about 10 posts, momentum takes over, making it literally impossible NOT to make commissions. This is not hype, it is simply how Unfair Advantage works.


Here are the upgrades:

OTO 1 – Unfair Advantage UNHINGED $37/$27:

The frontend users get 20 software searches per day. Takers of OTO1 get unlimited searches, which truly is needed to make significant money.

You'll also get their High Ticket hack, which shows them how to make sure that someone who clicks on their link for a high ticket product stays cookied for 90 days (without this hack, the cookie will expire within 24 hours.



OTO 2 – Copy Them  $37/$27:

This upgrade gets you the full Case Study that Vick's 12 year old daughter used to go from 0 to $50/day in less than a week.


It shows you how to literally duplicate everything she did, to make sure that you don't just get commissions; you start making a living from this.



OTO 3 – They Do It For You $97/$67:

Tom and his team already knows which niches work, and what type of posts work to make the most  money from this method.


With this upgrade, we are giving away all their secrets, including all our best selling templates, and our list of all the hottest niches to hit.

OTO 4 – Professional Edition $37/$27:

The one thing Unfair Advantage doesn't give you is your own good judgment. After creating a handful of Unfair Advantage Hubs, you have to be very creative to not make them all look the same (as that drags conversions down).

Takers of OTO4 won't have to worry about that, as they get access to our own video library which includes 4K videos, video backgrounds, graphics, background music and lot more.


This enables them to always post high quality videos that are sure to convert.

PLUS they get our built-in video editor, which makes this method SO easy.

Finally, they get full commercial rights to everything.


OTO 5 – A Guaranteed Career $197/$97:

This upgrade is for those who want a GUARANTEED way to make an actual career out Unfair Advantage.


The only way to do that is to work directly with the master of this method himself; Vick Carty, who will coach you personally over the course of 6 weeks, in a live weekly webinar series, where each person gets all the personalized attention they need.


No one will walk away from this training without a career.


Here's Are Some Key Benefits You May Be Interested In Getting:  

  • You’ve never seen anything like this before
  • A method completely unknown to the public
  • Set it up one time and continue seeing results
  • Working like a charm in 2020 and beyond
  • Completely fail proof method for making money out of thin air
  • All you need is 20 minutes to replicate our success
  • Make money or we’ll send every penny back with a smile
  • And so much more...


All of this is covered by a 'no-questions asked' 30 day money-back guarantee.

Get Unfair Advantage now and get All the bonuses below (all created on my own (!)).


These bonuses are for your eyes ONLY. Please do not share the bonus (they are way too powerful).


Also, I would need to take these bonuses down at one point when too many people get access to my bonuses. Make sure to grab them before it's too late.

Get All Premium Products, All Their Upgrades And WAY More For Sharing Following Site. Click Here To See How That Works.

Click The Button Below Now To Claim Your INSANE Bonus Package The Countdown Timer Hits Zero...

Bonuses Will Be Delivered Instantly Inside Your WarriorPlus Account After Your Purchase (Below That "Access Your Purchase"-Button).



Instant Bonus Delivery: Your Bonuses Will be Delivered Automatically, You'll Find Them Next To Your Purchased Files In JVZoo/Warriorplus. Just Click The Button Above To Get Started.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my review & bonuses.

To Your Success!

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